Industry: Educational Services
Press Releases By Dr. William Wallace CEO
Williamsburg, Virginia-Dr. William Wallace earned a Ph.D. at Walden University, an M.B.A. in Aviation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and a B.S. in Education and Technolog
Williamsburg, Virginia- Dr. William Wallace earned a Ph.D. at Walden University, an M.B.A. in Aviation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and a B.S. in Education and Technolo
Lifetime member of the Black Horse Association Lifetime member of the Marne Association Representative for Best Small Military Community Award Numerous Achievements Awards Summa Cum Laude
Annually we lose hundreds of Americans to accidents and mishaps on our Nation’s roadways. In an effort to save lives and continue to serve our country, we started the Historical Triangle Driving School, LLC. As an US Army veteran with many years as an expert trainer, coupled with additional years teaching across academics, I believe our vision of “Safety, Service, and Success” is achievable one life at a time. Drive safe, safe drive!
Industry: Educational Services
Current Organization: Historical Triangle Driving School
Specialty: Taught Aviation
Honors & Awards: Bronze Medal Holder for Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation
Affiliations: International Association for Continuing Education and Training, International Association of Continuing Education and Training, National Strategic Studies Program, Harvard University Senior Executive Fellows Program,
Book Chapter: Ethics: Do the right thing
Certification based on Deming’s “Defects Per Million Opportunities”
Under the Department of Commerce, this is the highest quality award program in that industry.
Education Level: Ph.D.
Institute Name: Walden University
Location: United States of America
Education Level: M.B.A.
Institute Name: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Location: United States of America
Education Level: B.A.
Institute Name: University of Louisville
Location: United States of America