Industry: Chemical and Allied Products
Press Releases By Elena M. Hughes
Louisville, KY — The Global Directory of Who's Who is proud to honor Elena M. Hughes for her outstanding dedication to healthcare, community service, and personal growth. As a Ph
Louisville, KY — The Global Directory of Who's Who is honored to recognize Elena M. Hughes for her exceptional dedication to healthcare and community service. As a Pharmacy Techn
About: As a Pharmacy Technician at Kroger, Elena exemplifies a commitment to excellence, demonstrating both professional skill and compassion in her role.
Industry: Chemical and Allied Products
Current Organization: Kroger
Specialty: Specialty Pharmacy
Honors & Awards: Employee of the Month
Affiliations: Purdue Honor Society,
Family: Spouse, , Children, 2 boys, 1 girl
Poetry contest: Published in the Library of Congress
Education Level: Certification
Institute Name: Kentucky Institute for Nursing
Location: United States of America
3 Children
2 boys, 1 girl