Industry: Personal Services
Press Releases By Nanelle Wehmann
Sanbel, Florida- Nanelle Wehmann is Public Relations Director for AT&T for the 11 Western States. She is President of the Pirate Playhouse Community Theatre, a board member of
Sanbel, Florida-Nanelle Wehmann is Public Relations Director for AT&T for the 11 Western States. She is President of the Pirate Playhouse Community Theatre, a board member of t
Sanbel, Florida- Nanelle Wehmann is Public Relations Director for AT&T for the 11 Western States. She is President of the Pirate Playhouse Community Theatre, a board member of
Public Relations for AT&T for the Western States
Industry: Personal Services
Current Organization: AT&T
Specialty: Public Relations
Honors & Awards: Theatre Recognition Plaques from Non- Profit Organizations
Affiliations: Wildlife Conservation Sanibel Island 1/3 of land Wildlife Protection,
Renovated 20 homes published in local magazines: Naples Journal, Times of the Islands in Florida, Gulf Shore Life