Dr. Young has dedicated his career to conducting community and organizational research for program planning, and evaluation of state and local public health programs. His work focuses on the elimination of personal and environmental health risks for improved community health outcomes. He is well known and has published much of his work on the prevention of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke through policy-based community strategies.
Industry: Health Services
Dr. Young collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to address pressing public health issues.
I am a semi-retired public health advocate who has held various public health management positions throughout my career. I've held management positions with the following organizations: Director, Division of Prevention Programs, Colorado Department of Public Heath and Environment; Scientist, AMC Cancer Research Center; Scientist, Cooper Institute's Center for Health Communication; Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine; and Senior Scientist, Klein Buendel, of Golden, Colorado.
Industry: Health Services
Current Organization: Advanced Health Directions
Specialty: Public Health
Affiliations: Colorado Public Health Association, Applewood Property Owners Association, Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution (GASP),
Family: Spouse, Married 53 years, Children, Daughters
( 2004)
Education Level: Doctorate
Institute Name: University of Colorado at Denver
Location: United States of America
( 1977)
Education Level: Master's
Institute Name: University of Northern Colorado
Location: United States of America
( 1969)
Education Level: Bachelor's
Institute Name: University of Akron
Location: United States of America
Along with other board members, we work to protect and develop the Applewood area of unincorporated Jefferson County, Colorado.
Provides policy, program guidance and support to program staff who are focused on eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke in Colorado's low income public and private multiunit housing
I chaired this National Cancer Institute committee of seventeen state public health & seventeen American Cancer Society representatives who implemented the first community-based policy interv
2 Children