In 2006, Zelda Rembert embarked on her entrepreneurial venture by founding Jim Bell's Country Seat, LLC. This company, specializing in real estate investment, is dedicated to buying, selling, and renting properties. Through years of hard work and determination, Ms. Rembert has built her business into a formidable force in the real estate industry, setting high standards for professionalism and integrity.
Industry: Real Estate
Press Releases By Zelda Rembert
Brooklyn, NY - The Global Directory of Who's Who is pleased to announce the inclusion of Zelda Rembert, an esteemed figure in the world of business, real estate, and community serv
About: In 2006, Zelda Rembert embarked on her entrepreneurial venture by founding Jim Bell's Country Seat, LLC. This company, specializing in real estate investment, is dedicated to buying, selling, and renting properties. Through years of hard work and determination, Ms. Rembert has built her business into a formidable force in the real estate industry, setting high standards for professionalism and integrity.
Industry: Real Estate
Current Organization: Jim Bell's Country Seat, LLC
Specialty: Investment
Honors & Awards: Prestigious Awards from her Church
For unwavering commitment to its values and mission
Education Level: A.A.
Institute Name: CW Post College, Pace University
Location: United States of America