At ECom we are in establishing the refined gas compression and encompassing into a serum composition for better aeration and gauging in facilities handling as well as storage. The Composition of the way that at we have comprised of will also be in assisting in a number of technological development that we will be in manufacturing. Aviation as well as aeronautical and aerospace gravitational and hover craft technology. The compositions will also have use in the holographic imagery encompassing as spore encompassed shield formation and matter construction. We are also in developing architecture as well as and a number of ventilation systems that will have fire safety sensory as well as extinguishing security measures as well waste recompositing recycling decomposition and recompositing. we are in printing our own books. I Edwin Roman as the Scientist and Engineer drafting designer and knowledge generator as well as CEO President and Founder of ECom Professional Corporations am pleasured to be in the manufacturer in the cutting edge and pioneering methods for the future of Existence.