
Global Who's Who Recognizes Michael G. Cantwell for his Contribution to the Arts

Museums Art Galleries and Botanical and Zoological Gardens Portraitures in Oil

Apr 18, 2023

Columbus, Ohio - Global Who's Who is proud to recognize Michael G. Cantwell for his exceptional contribution to the art world. Michael G. Cantwell, a fine artist, and animator has been awarded a BFA in Studio Art at the University of Notre Dame and a degree in Fine Art at the University of South Florida in 1981. His MFA Thesis was Punk Art, and he received a National Endowment of the Arts Grant.

Michael Cantwell specializes in various mediums, including drawing, sketchbook, nature, people, computer art animations, painting oils, and binary series. His artwork has been displayed at the Ormond Beach War Memorial Gallery Show. His portraits in oil and computer art have captivated audiences worldwide.

Apart from his artistic talents, Michael Cantwell enjoys fly fishing, tie trout flies, art curator, golf, biking, hiking, and is an amateur chef. Michael's unique blend of art and life experiences has enabled him to create breathtaking artwork that speaks to the heart of all those who view it.

Global Who's Who is honored to recognize Michael G. Cantwell for his exceptional contribution to the art world. His passion and dedication to the arts are truly an inspiration for all those who strive to make a difference in the world through their creative expressions.

About Global Who's Who:

Global Who's Who is a leading online directory that recognizes outstanding professionals and businesses worldwide. Global Who's Who prides itself on providing a platform for individuals to showcase their achievements and contributions to society.

About Michael G. Cantwell

Portraitures in oil, computer art; Drawing, sketch book, nature, people, computer art animations, paints, pencils, binary series, painting oils, Ormond Beach War Memorial Gallery Show

Name: Michael G. Cantwell

Phone: 7033041777

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Global Who's Who Recognizes Michael G. Cantwell for his Contribution to the Arts
Global Who's Who is proud to recognize Michael G. Cantwell for his exceptional contribution to the art world