The Global Directory of Who's Who Honors Clinton O, Gowan Jr.
Aug 30, 2022
Conroe, Texas-
Clinton O, Gowan Jr. graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor's degree, while completing his requirements sheet metal journeyman then general superintendent. Both of these led me to become a one-third owner with my father and brother of Gowan sheet metal. I became an officer in the local Contractors. That led me to become the National (SMACNA) President after serving as chairman of committees. For twelve years I was a trustee of the sheet metal national pension fund Ten of them as co-chairmen, and while serving I was designated as the trustee to resolve their legal problems. My next major opportunity to serve was when I agreed to become the Management representative working with the GP of the union as we led our organizations to become the parties to the lawsuit against the asbestos industry which ended up with the 30 Billion settlement fund. Our job included setting up the distribution process. As a surprise to me, I was honored by Steve Forbes at a February 1987 national banquet as a finalist in one of his publications as Man of the Year.
About Clinton O. Gowan, Jr.
Mechanical Sheet Metal
Name: Clinton O. Gowan, Jr.
Phone: (713) 824-1113
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The Global Directory of Who's Who Honors Clinton O, Gowan Jr.The Global Directory of Who's Who Honors Clinton O, Gowan Jr.
The Global Directory of Who's Who Honors Clinton O, Gowan Jr.
The Global Directory of Who's Who Honors Clinton O, Gowan Jr.