Paul Citroner has been honored by the Global Directory of Who's Who
Sep 08, 2022
New York, New York-
Paul Citroner Accomplished a Gemologist Degree based on Diamonds in GIA on 1985. He currently is the Owner of "Citroner Group" That supplies wholesale Diamomds to Retailers stores Around the World. At times he handles private clients with their choice of Diamonds. Throughout Paul Citroner's career in the diamond industry, he has met thousands of dynamic couples from around the world that shared there love stories with a mission. He's on a goal now to encourage and inspire people with his "Talk Show" and Author of his book, 'InDestructible'.
Paul Citroner is also a Certified Supra Dynamic Reiki Level 1 and 2. and has taken Personal Development Classes based on world recognize public speakers. Paul Citroner received the Massachusetts Award for Accomplishment in Public Speaking and is a member of "The NYC Chamber of Commerce", "National Speakers Associates", and is a member of "Who's Who in 2003".
About Paul Citroner
Diamond wholesaler merchant, supply jewelry stores with diamonds for their retail store, handle private clients with their diamonds. Author and Relationship Consultant; Throughout Paul Citroner’s career in the diamond industry, he has met thousands of dynamic couples from around the world who are in love and with a mission.
Name: Paul Citroner
Phone: (347) 617-9326
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Paul Citroner has been honored by the Global Directory of Who's Who