Paul Christian Petersen is honored by the Global Directory of Who's Who
Oct 19, 2022
Brigham City, Utah-
Paul Christian Petersen was born in Logan, Utah. He earned his bachelor’s in business administration and a bachelor’s in finance at Weber State University in 1969. He is a Retired Senior Vice President at Barnes Banking Company. He specialized in Finance, Commercial Businesses, Commercial Lending, with 30 years as a Branch Manager and 43 Years in the Banking Industry. He was the Branch President for 10 years and served two years in Scotland as a Missionary. Paul was a PTA President at a Box Elder High School and served the Kiwanis Club for 20 years as International President. He was Lieutenant Governor for the Northern part of the State of Utah. Paul was President of the Brigham City Chamber of Commerce, President of Elders Quorum and High Priest Group Leader as Branch President and Stake Sunday School and Bishop for 5 years. He is a member of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, the PTA, Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce, Mormon Church, and Marquis's Who's Who. He enjoys spending time with family, 4 children, Heidi, Heather, Hans Christian, and Hayley,16 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren, doing yard work and going to Church, he also has season tickets Brigham Young University College for 12 home games.
About Paul Christian Petersen
Commercial Lending, 30 Years as a Branch Manager, 43 Years in the Banking Industry, Branch President 10 years, served two Years in Scotland Service Mission.
Name: Paul Christian Petersen
Phone: (435) 723-2317
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Paul Christian Petersen is honored by the Global Directory of Who's WhoPaul Christian Petersen is honored by the Global Directory of Who's Who