Harold Odhiambo
Jul 20, 2021
Harold Odhiambo is the Director of Community Outreach. He develops and implements ongoing public relations that promote Passport to Languages, Inc. services. He establishes and maintains good working relationships with organizations by assisting with their client populations. In addition, he participates in Passport to Language’s community fundraising activities, serving as a community liaison while establishing and maintaining cooperative relationships with other agencies and community groups. Harold’s excellent communication skills assists with problem solving while providing team leadership training. He also is the key person involved with securing and on-boarding new qualified and certified healthcare interpreters to Passport's current large team of healthcare interpreters. Mr. Odhiambo is the current Chairman of the Community Health Centre Board with Multnomah County Health Department’s Clinical Sites. The Integrated Clinical Services (I C S). Harold Odhiambo is the current chairman of African Family Holistic Health Organization. He is a Board Member of African Women’s Coalition, a member of Northwest Regional Primary Care Association, which includes 4 States, Alaska, Oregon, Idaho and Washington. Mr. Odhiambo is a member of Healthy Birth Initiatives (HBI) and Community Action Network Leadership Group (CAN) with in Multnomah County Health Department. He is a State of Oregon Qualified Health Care Interpreter and is recognized National by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) as a certified health center governance leader, since 2009. Mr. Odhiambo received an award by the Oregon Qualified Health Care Interpreter Association as Interpreter of the Year in the state of Oregon in 2015, he received a Certificate of Recognition from Healthy Birth Initiative and HBI CAN leadership Group, for ideals and leadership role in helping to have better healthy and birth outcomes in the African American community in 2020. He got a Certificate of Completion from Health Birth Initiatives for Leadership Development Training in Champions for Change, in 2019, a public service award in recognition of exemplary contribution of time, ideas, and creativity in Multnomah County Health Department, Integrated Clinical Services, and the Community Health Council June 19th, 2019. He got a Certificate of Appreciation from Multnomah County in recognition to service to the community Health Center Board and Contributions to the mission, Vision, and values of the Multnomah County Health Centers as Chair of the community Health Center Board in 2020, a certificate of Appreciation from Healthy Birth Initiatives (HBI) for valuable contributions to the health of the African American Community through his work with the Healthy Birth initiatives and Community Action Network Leadership Group in April 2021, a certificate of Completion on Hippa privacy and security training fro business associates, January 30, 2020, a certificate of Completion on Combating Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, waste, and
Harold Odhiambo was the first recipient of Interpreter of The Year Award in the state of Oregon in 2015. He is registered as a state of Oregon Qualified Healthcare Interpreter, and is the recipient of OHSU’s Rosey Award, which this year was the first time it was awarded outside of OHSU employees and given to an Oregon state qualified healthcare interpreter. In his free time, he enjoys Rugby, golf, soccer and swimming.
About Harold A. Odhiambo
Language Interpretation Services; Telephone, video and written word interpretation in over 150 languages.

Name: Harold A. Odhiambo
Phone: (503) 810-1116
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