
Global Directory of Who's Who Announces Dr. Steve Jonas, M.D., MPH

Health Services Health Policy

Feb 08, 2023

Holbrook, New York-

Book Announcement for: Trump's Presidential Years: History as it Happened, 2011-2021

Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, Kindle Edition, Amazon, 2022

It is likely that by the end of 2021 several hundred books had already been written, or were in the process of being written, about the subject of Donald J. Trump in general, his Presidency in particular, and the ongoing development of Republo-fascism as it had been happening before our very eyes. Certainly, many thousands of newspaper, magazine, and on-line articles have been written. The total number of words on the subjects is well into the tens, if not hundreds of millions. This book alone totals over 300,000 words. But, the question should be asked, why another one, and why now? What's different about this book?

What is different about the six volumes of this book compared with most (if not all) of the others, is that it presents a contemporaneous picture of Trump, Trumpism, Trump-Republicanism, and the Republo-fascism that they morphed into, as each happened, as they moved along, developed, and collectively imposed their will upon the nation, in part or in whole, from the time of the early Trump-Presidency-origins in 2011 through the first three, post-Insurrection, months of 2021. I have been writing published on-line columns on these subjects since 2011. For the time-period covered, they are presented in chronological order. Please note that each column is re-published here just as it was written when first published on-line, on one of three different webmagazines: The Greanville Post, Buzzflash, and OpEdNews. None have been further edited for this book.

The columns appear in six chapters, chronologically as they were published in: 2011-16 (Chap. 1), 2017 (Chap. 2), 2018 (Chap. 3), 2019 (Chap. 4), 2020 (Chap. 5), and 2021 (through the three months following the Trump Insurrection of Jan. 6), (Chap. 6). Of course, the saga of the possible descent of the United States into an authoritarian dictatorship continues, as does my writing on that history-in-progress, primarily on OpEdNews, occasionally on Buzzflash.

It happens that like millions of Americans I watched the events of Jan. 6, 2021 in horror, and indeed even though they were being carried out in support of Trump, dis-belief, live on television. Having over time written much about the Nazi takeover of the government of the Weimar Republic of Germany in early 1933, and how it was accomplished in part by using violence and the threat of violence, comparisons immediately came to mind. Of course, Trump watched the whole reportage too. As has been revealed in stomach-churning detail by the "Jan. 6 Committee" and in numerous books written about the events, it turned out that unlike me and millions of my U.S. compatriots, Trump and his people were horrified only because his attempted coup did not succeed.

But of course, he, and his fellow Republo-fascists are still very hard at work on their enterprise to impose their will upon our nation at some time in the future. And while some of the original set have abandoned the project for one reason another, others have joined right in, to let us know that, for example, their "Steal the Vote" campaign will be much better organized next time 'round, than it was on a quick-to-the-starting-line basis last time. Further, the plan for fascist control of the Federal Administrative branch and all of its personnel by Trump and his henchmen, "Schedule F" (was that letter chosen intentionally[?]), was laid right out there before us at the end of the Trump Administration.

This book thus sets forth a history-as-it-happened timeline/description of the relevant events of the past six years. Beyond the history, however, it is also designed as tool for use in the continuing struggle against a possible Fascist revolution that Trump and elements of the Republo-fascist Party are already setting right out there, for all to see.

Books now available on Amazon Kindle links below.

Vol. I, 2015-16:

Vol. II, 2017: 

Vol. III, 2018: 

Vol. IV, 2019: 

Vol. V, 2020: 

Vol. VI, 2021: 

About Steven Jonas MD

Political-Historical-economic analysis; Health policy; exercise, health and wellness promotion; drug policy reform.

Name: Steven Jonas MD

Phone: 631-473-7228

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