David L. Hall
Jan 06, 2022
David L. Hall attended Western Oregon University for Political Science. He is a Community and Political Activist. In 1983, at his first rally, David introduced America and the World to Ms. Donna Redwing (President Emeritus for the HRC), and was the featured speaker on Television's 60 Minutes and 20/20 news shows. They successfully stopped the anti-lgbtq Initiative. In 1986, he created the "Oregon Blue Ribbon" campaign which led to the 1st LGBTQ "Beat Officer" in America, and again featured on 60 Minutes and 20/20. In 1994 he created the "Save Wilderness Park" awareness campaign in Lincoln, Nebraska. David served for over 20 years in the ISCWE, twice on the BOD and Imperial Crown Prince #30 before retiring from the stage. In 2013 he moved to Arizona and continued his awareness campaigns, first against Sheriff Joe Arpaio, then in support of Kirsten Sinema and Pres. hopeful Amy Klobuchar. David is a lifelong Race car enthusiast, in high school was voted "Best Saxophone player" 2 years in a row for the entire conference. In his free time. He enjoys taking his dogs for a walk, remodeling, painting homes and is planning on writing his life story.
About David L. Hall
Put up signs and planned a fundraising dinner and helped with campaigns for Amy Klobuchar and Krysten Sinema.
Name: David L. Hall
Phone: (602) 833-9419
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David L. Hall